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Those who love GOD, follow Christ, and care about others live with a longing to make a difference, to contribute to the ALMIGHTY’s Kingdom.


Followers of Christ have been issued the great commission. But the world today, especially for those of us who live in the West, can often push us into an existence that seems to be full of everything but the time to have a positive spiritual influence in the lives of others or to shed light and inspire.

Our lives are often so busy that we miss opportunities and find ourselves regretting our oversights.

There are also those of us who are introverts. Reaching out to people or sharing with others what knowledge or insights GOD has given us is very challenging and extremely uncomfortable.





There are also those of us with creative hearts. That would describe the founder of Walking Lights, MoriEl Randolph. MoriEl holds a master’s in creative writing; she’s an author, screenwriter, and independent film producer. But she would be the first to say that, foremost, she is a child of GOD and follower of Christ who has prayed and struggled with discerning how to use the creative gifts GOD gave her in service to HIM.


Walking Lights was part of the answer to that prayer and concern. But most importantly, it would be a means of expression that others could use to serve God and others. The messages and casual wear we design would give our customers and club members the opportunity to share God’s Word, Wisdom, and insights. They would also address topics and issues we rarely have the opportunity to share or discuss, and it can all be done literally with the clothes on our backs.


Walking Lights is a ministry. We pray that it will bless you and give you the opportunity to minister, inspire, and motivate others.


Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

Created by FreshView Productions, LLC.  - Revised © 2023

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